Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Running Roundup (Week 1)

Well it hasn't been a full week since I started my goals, although it has been over a week since I started running. Last Friday and Saturday, I was able to run a full mile without stopping. That probably doesn't sound like much but when you are fat and out of shape it's a start. This week I raised my distance to 2 miles and hope that by the end of next week I'll be running that distance without stopping.

Here is my goal update. I started these goals last Friday. Remember my first goal is 25 miles in 4 weeks. I have run 7.4 miles which is 2.5 miles ahead of schedule with 23 days remaining.

My second goal has already been obliterated. I set the goal to burn 900 calories in 4 weeks. I have already burned over 1100. So I probably will not reset that goal, although I could up the amount, I'll just stick to the distance.

1 comment:

David Parks said...

hang in there Chad, running is something you build up little by little. Keep at it, you'll add years to your life and life to your years.