Saturday, October 28, 2006


I love the fact that Harding sends out T-shirts to newly born babies. We received ours about week after Bentley was born. I was so excited to get it as you can tell.

This week has been Red Ribbon Week at many schools. Brecken's school had different dress up days and Thursday was favorite team day. I dug into my drawers and found my Harding jersey and let her wear it, she loved it. It thrills me to here her say that her favorite teams are the Bulldogs (I'm not sure why, we are 1-8) and the Bison.

I miss Harding. I miss the simple town life. I miss the friendships that we had, although many of them are still strong, I miss spending time with friends. I miss Harding football games. I miss faculty intramurals. I miss, even though I am old and out of shape now, the Rhodes Rowdies. Maybe one day we can return the town and school that we love.


James E. Miller said...

We didn't get a Harding t-shirt when Laura was born. Conspiracy?

It's "Bisons" by the way, not "Bison." Ask Goode.

I hope you get back to the small-town life. It would be nice to have you guys there when we return. We could lead the faculty softball team - if Phil would let us.

If not, we could lead the faculty fantasy team. We're pretty good at that.

Or at least I am.

The Cardinals are World Champions!

SteveY said...

See any jobs of interest? :) Hope to see you back in the small town soon.

James E. Miller said...

The pics are precious! Brecken looks so old!!!


Angie said...

We didn't get FREE t-shirts either! And I thought we were "tight" with Dr. Burks. Hmmm!

Joice Family said...

You are correct Amy. In an alumni digest sent out about a month or two ago it mentioned that if you send your birth information they will send you a free t-shirt. Believe me I sent the info the day we got home from the hospital.

c said...

Like Amy B. said who knows what tomorrow will bring. Maybe you will maybe you will not return to Searcy. But know that you have good memories and friends in Searcy. If you get to come back one day then great. We can hang out and watch a movie like old times, BUT I must say I will not watch The Lady's Man. Hee hee
We did not get a t-shirt with Anna, I think this is something new.