Friday, April 27, 2007

How Do You Know?

This post is quite premature but how do you know when God is calling you to change? I received a call a few days ago out of the blue and a possible teaching position in another state. I have not been looking for new jobs, but the call came anyways. I decided spur of the moment that it wouldn't hurt to look into this opportunity, I can always say no if, a big if, they were to even offer me the position. Those of you that know me, know that I hate huge decision and don't like major change. If this came about, I would consider it a major change. I would say at this point in my life, I, feel like everything is perfect. I really enjoy most aspects of my job. Wendy has been hired for next year in my district. Bentley and Camdyn will get to stay in our school daycare. Of course, Camdyn will start 1/2 day school. We are about to move into a bigger, nicer house. We have recently changed churches and feel like we have made a great decision to worship there. With all that said, how do I know if God wants me, needs me somewhere else?

How do you go about making huge decisions, even though nothing officially has to be decided yet?


David U said...

First, thanks for commenting on my blog! And I am PUMPED that I found yours. I didn't know you had one. I will try and check it regularly, brother.

On the whole "knowing what God wants for me" thingie......we ALL struggle with that one. Pray for wisdom, and then walk by faith. If you get all your ducks in a row and do everything yourself, you've done something that requires ZERO amount of faith! :) One thing that I think is KEY to this whole struggle is this........I believe God can bless any of the choices we make if we allow him to. Therefore, EVERY decision in essence is "his will". Right?

Sorry for the novel! Come see us when you can. It sure was good to see you at the Binkley's about a month ago.

Keep bloggin!

James E. Miller said...

I think the important thing is that you pursue opportunities like the one that presented itself.

Explore the ideas; consider the possibilities; weigh the pros and cons. Be prayerful and ask for clarity.

If you do, the decision you make will glorify God - no matter what that decision is.

Like DU said, "I believe God can bless any of the choices we make if we allow him to. Therefore, every decision, in essence, is his will."

Anonymous said...

You can also ask for friends to pray for you...which we will be doing! Tell Wendy and the kids hey please! :)

Angie said...

Sounds like things are "perfect" for you all. That's a tough one. We've been there before and hopefully will never have to go down that road again. I'm not sure of any good advice to give, other than what Jim said. That's pretty sound advice. Keep in touch with your decision.