Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Dentist

Well about a month ago Brecken started complaining about her tooth hurting, being the good father that I am, I told her she was alright and it would feel better in the morning. Every once in a while she would mention it again. So about two weeks ago I finally decided to humor her and look in her mouth. I THOUGHT I saw some food between her back teeth (gross I know), so I grabbed a tooth pick and tried to get it out. What I quickly realized was that she had a part of her tooth broken. So Wendy took her to the dentist and she, of course, had a cavity and a her tooth was almost absessed (sp?). Today she went back for her filling and did so much better that what her father does when he goes, something about a horrible gag reflex gets me everytime. Attached is a picture that Wendy took on her cell phone of Brecken with the gas on her nose, we are raising an addict.

This mess up or poor fathering makes me think that I should have learned my lesson back in July when Camdyn fractured her arm (July 4th no less). She was out jumping on the tramopline (which we are selling now) and I guess she fell wrong (not off) and started crying. We were good parents because we were inside playing cards with my sister. Don't worry social workers, we were watching them out the window. Well, I went out and got Camdyn and she was crying and holding her arm. Since it was later in the evening, my first thought was "Can she wait until morning to see the doctor so I don't have to wait in the ER for hours." Yes I know, I am a horrible father. Well Wendy made us go and luckily we did, because Camdyn fractured her humerus. Attached is a picture of her in her cast. Maybe I will learn my lesson.

1 comment:

Angie said...

We haven't been down that road yet, but I could see Kyle brushing it off too. Hmmm, I'll give him the benifit of the doubt and say he'd listen to them. It might be me telling them to brush it off instead. I'm a hard nosed mom at times.